Delhi SP/ML Pre-Conference Workshop

Crossroads of Machine Learning and Signal Processing

ABSTRACT: Traditional signal processing techniques often rely on models that accurately depict the system under consideration. However, the complexity and dynamic nature of modern systems limit the effectiveness of these model-based approaches. In this context, machine learning techniques offer data-driven alternatives that do not require explicit prior model information. The proposed pre-ICASSP workshop aims to explore various aspects of learning-based signal processing. Topics will include high-dimensional statistics, quickest detection, sampling theory, online learning, tensor signal processing, stochastic filtering, and multi-agent signal processing and learning.

VENUE AND DATES: This two-day workshop, scheduled for April 03 – 04, 2025 will be held in a luxury hotel in Delhi, preceding the IEEE ICASSP 2025 conference. The technical program will feature 1-2 tutorials and approximately 10-15 research talks by leading researchers from around the world. The workshop is designed to disseminate knowledge, foster idea exchanges, and stimulate new collaborations within the research community. It will differ from ICASSP satellite workshops in Hyderabad in its extended duration and broader scope, promoting cross-domain collaboration.

General Chairs:

Arpan Chattopadhyay
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi

Kumar Vijay Mishra
US Army Research Laboratory

Steering Committee:

Muralidhar Rangaswamy
US Air Force Research Laboratory

Ananthram Swami
US Army Research Laboratory

Raghu Raj
US Naval Research Laboratory

KVS Hari
Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru

Finance Chair:

Shobha Sundar Ram
Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi

SPS Liaison & Local Arrangements Chair:

Monika Aggarwal
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi

Registration Chair:

Chandrashekhar Rai
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi