To promote the ICASSP 2025 conference, a series of satellite events are planned from April 2024 to April 2025 by all the 12 IEEE Signal Processing Society Chapters across India. The planned events include the following but are not limited to

Research and Educational events

  • Tutorials
  • Educational short courses
  • Ph.D. Forum
  • Signal Processing Cup/ Hackathons / Competitions
  • Five-Minute Video Clip Contest
  • Author workshops
  • K-12 School Students programs

    Industry Events

  • Industry Forum
  • Startup-Pitches

    Membership Activities

  • PROGRESS (PROmotinG DiveRsity in Signal ProcESSing)
  • Young Professional Events
  • Women in Signal Processing Events

    2 April 2024: Launch of the ICASSP 2025 Satellite Event Series and SPS India Conclave

Keep watching this space for the events of various chapters and your participation is highly solicited.