Lecture and Poster Presentation Instructions

A. Lecture Presentations

About the session room

  • All presentation rooms are equipped with a computer, a data projector, a microphone, and a wireless slide changer with a laser pointer.
  • In the conference room, there will be a folder placed on the computer desktop, which will contain all the presentations of the current day. You can choose your presentation there, and let it play.

Before the start of the session

  • Please arrive in the room at least 15 minutes before the start of the session. This will give you time to check-in with the Session Chair prior to the start of the session.
  • Presenters can upload their presentation files at the room where the session is scheduled at least 15 minutes before your session starts.
  • Files should be in PowerPoint (.ppt, or .pptx) or PDF format. There is no guarantee that other formats will be supported.
  • If there are any videos or audio related to your presentation or already embedded in it, please let the technicians know. Also, let them know if there is any sound that must be heard in the room. Please test the videos. You should not be testing and troubleshooting your media at the last minute or in the short breaks between sessions. Please visit the room during one of the long breaks (morning before the sessions or during the lunch break) to test your presentation if you need to.
  • In case you carry your own computer and you want to project using it, you must inform the room’s technician at least 1 hour prior to your session kick-off. Your computer must have an HDMI connector; if it doesn’t, you must carry the relevant adapter. We also recommend carrying a backup in a USB stick, just in case. If you are going to project straight from your USB flash disk, also please inform the technician.

During the session

  • Each presentation should last no more than 15 minutes, with 3 minutes for comments, Q&A, and the switch between speakers. The session chairs will strictly enforce time limits. Each presentation has its own time slot which cannot be changed or shifted.

After the session

  • If you want your presentation to be immediately deleted, please ask the volunteer to do so once the session is over.
  • All computers will be erased right at the end of the conference. Your files will not be shared further. They will remain only in the presentation management system until deleted, and we will not allow copying into any other storage.

B. Poster Presentation

  • The poster area includes poster boards of 6’ width and 4’ height. Therefore, please prepare a 3’ by 4’ landscape format poster or a 4’ by 3’ portrait format poster. Please use a large font size so that the poster is easily readable by someone who is passing by.
  • Given the size of the poster board, there will be plenty of extra space. The local organizers will provide markers and erasers to enable you or your audience to use the extra space as white board space to write or draw on.
  • In addition, sufficient glue tags will be provided for mounting the posters. The presenters will have time to mount their poster in the transition period prior to each session.
  • Presenters must check-in with the Session Chairs 15 minutes prior to the session start and remain with their posters throughout the presentation. Failing to do this may lead to a no-show being marked.
  • Please remove your poster at the end of your allocated session. Posters left mounted to the boards after the end of the session will be removed and disposed of.